Dual Enrollment

How long has JMA been involved with Dual Enrollment at Georgia College & State University?
For the past 15 years, our top seniors have been taking courses at GC&SU while enrolled at JMA.
How have JMA students done in college classes?
Most of our students make A’s and B’s in their college classes.
What college classes do JMA students who choose Dual Enrollment usually have?
For students who meet the criteria and choose this option, English and Social Studies are taken at the college each semester. Some are also able to take Math, Spanish, and/or Science classes.
What does a schedule typically look like for a Dual Enrollment student?
The most common schedule is to take early morning college classes and check into JMA during break. Seniors taking two Dual Enrollment classes are expected to maintain that status throughout the year. This would require students to take 4 classes at JMA, including 3 academic classes and 1 elective class. Seniors taking one Dual Enrollment class are expected to maintain that status throughout the year. This would require students to take 5 classes at JMA, including 4 academic classes and 1 elective class.
What is the cost of Dual Enrollment at GC&SU?
The “Move on When Ready” program, which is affiliated with the Georgia HOPE Scholarship, pays most of the tuition and none of the fees.
How do I get into the Dual Enrollment program at GC&SU?
To view the Dual Enrollment standards set by GC&SU click here. To summarize, a student must have a 3.0 cumulative academic average at JMA and have minimum scores of Critical Reading 530 and Math 530 on the SAT.  A score of a 23 English and 22 Math on the ACT will suffice. To take English and Social Studies at the college the Critical Reading or English criteria must be met. The Math criteria may be flexible under certain conditions set by the college.
How do I apply?
Students apply online at www.gcsu.edu and must submit a letter of permission from a parent and a letter from JMA. They must also request that a JMA transcript be sent. Once they are accepted, Mike Augustine, the Director of Advising and Retention at GC&SU will help them with registration.
How do the credits for High School and College work?
These college credits fulfill the high school English and Government requirements and also count for college credit. With one exception (an out of state private school that would not give credit for classes that are high school graduation requirements), there has been no issue with universities accepting the credits issued by GC&SU. Students begin their freshman year with 12 hours of college credit.
When do I need to take the SAT if I am considering Dual Enrollment ?
Since the SAT score is an important criteria for acceptance, students considering Dual Enrollment should take the test by January of their junior year.
Are only JMA Seniors eligible for Dual Enrollment ?
We have occasionally had an exceptionally qualified junior take a Dual Enrollment class each semester in lieu of Economics and Advanced Computers. Before they graduate, they must take Economics at GC&SU. Juniors taking one Dual enrollment course are expected to maintain that status throughout the year. This would require students to take 5 classes at JMA, including 4 academic classes and 1 elective class. Juniors will be dismissed from JMA at a reasonable time determined by administration to get to class at GC&SU. On days students do not have class, they will attend a study hall and 7th period elective.
Are there other issues to consider?
Typically, GC&SU and JMA have different weeks for spring break.